MIMOSA CCOM supports the definition of parameters for equipment class templates, product models, and serialized assets (generically called “equipment items”), providing a refinery-standardized mnemonic identifier for each parameter. Each parameter can also contain meta-data, such as the type of parameter (constant, monitored variable, performance characteristic, calculated, etc.), associated unit of measure, valid min/max range, valid enumerated values, default value, monitored frequency rate, etc. This entire set of parameter groups for an equipment items is called an O&M Data Sheet and is illustrated in the figure below:

MIMOSA CCOM supports the definition of groups of parameters for equipment items, providing a refinery-standardized mnemonic identifier for each parameter. Each parameter can also contain meta-data such as the type of parameter. These parameter types include:

OEM-Defined Constant Parameters

  • Technical Attributes Relevant to O&M from Spec. Sheet
  • As-Designed/As-Refurbished Base Performance Characteristics
  • As-Built OEM Calibration Settings
  • As-Built OEM Configuration Settings

Operator-Defined Constant Parameters

  • “Discovered” Technical Attributes Relevant to O&M
  • “Discovered” Performance Characteristics
  • MRO Purchasing Features
  • Default Operating Max/Min Parameters (Hi, HiHi, Lo, LoLo)

Variable Parameters

  • Actual Condition Monitoring (Vibration Amplitude/Signature, etc.) Present Value (PV), etc.
  • Actual Operation Tag Present Value (PV), etc.
  • Calculated Performance Characteristic, KPI, etc. Present Value (PV), etc. (Algorithm-derived value) with Algorithms / Computations
  • Calculated KPIs

MIMOSA CCOM supports the definition of Equipment Class Template O&M Data Sheets that contain these parameters, as shown in the figure below.

MIMOSA CCOM allows these templates to be used as the source basis for Product Model O&M Data Sheets, which can build upon these templates as shown in the figure below.

MIMOSA CCOM allows users to use a defined Product Model O&M Data Sheet or an Equipment Class Template to create a Serialized Asset O&M Data Sheet as shown in the figure below.

MIMOSA CCOM also supports the concept of a functional segment instances, providing an enterprise-standardized mnemonic identifier tag for each parameter. Each parameter also can contain virtually unlimited meta-data, such as the type of parameter (constant, monitored variable, performance characteristic, calculated, etc.), associated unit of measure, valid min/max range, valid enumerated values, default value, monitored frequency rate, etc.