This page will be incrementally populated with the recordings of material related to understanding and use of OIIE components and specifications. These recordings are initially being created as part of OIIE AuWG (Australian Working Group) Workshop series and will be finalized based on questions and feedback received in the Q&A sessions.

See the OIIE AuWG Q&A sessions event details here.

OIIE Concepts

OIIE Use Case Architecture Overview

OIIE Infrastructure Components Overview

OIIE User Stories Overview

OIIE Event Specification and CCOM BOD

OIIE Scenario Specification

Implementation Videos

OIIE Implementation Introduction – Publish/Subscribe

Australian OIIE Working Group ISBM Instance

URL: Australian OIIE Working Group ISBM

OIIE ISBM “Hello World” Demo Application

URL: ISBM Hello World Example App

OIIE ISBM Basic Publish/Subscribe Example – Python

OIIE ISBM Basic Publish/Subscribe Example – Ruby REST Adaptor